Linguistic Analysis and Data Science


謝舒凱 Graduate Institute of Linguistics
Associate Professor, National Taiwan University



謝舒凱 Aber 德國杜賓根大學計算語言學博士|中研院語言學研究所博士後研究員| 台灣大學語言學研究所副教授

施孟賢 Simon 台灣大學語言學博士班

張瑜芸 Taco 台灣大學語言學博士班


  • MOOC [自主學習] 能否從容面對新的知識技術?
  • MAKE [手作創造] 能否口手合一?
  • HACK [效率改變] 能否自己找出解決辦法?
  • Humanities [鑑賞與溝通] 人文社會關懷 終極目的 倫理思考

妳活著的時代背景:Data is the KING



  • 當人都變成了巨量數據的集合
  • 物聯網,車聯網,衣聯網,腦聯網

Data, Information, Knowledge

  • 不同類型的數據

Biological signals, music, images, video, customer reviews, webpages, medical records, software, game logs, social networks, environmental signals, astro-data, neuron spikes, etc.

  • Symbolic and Signal data

Data Science 在做什麼

This frontier is expanding vastly thanks to new developments in mathematical modelling, algorithms, data management and computing infrastucture. It is having a profound impact not only in science and medicine, but also in e-commerce, marketing, humanities and society at large. Inference and learning with massive datasets is also the key ingredient of the intelligent machines of the future.


Text analytics / Text mining / NLP / Machine Learning 又是啥

文本數據分析:(DS 的一支)利用 NLP + ML 對於文本數據做各種預測與應用

  • [Data Science] Linguistic/textual data processing
  • [Natural Language Processing] Linguistic/textual information processing
  • [Semantics, Ontologies, AI and Language Understanding] Linguistic/textual knowledge processing

DS 和語言分析有什麼關係

This course will provide an introduction to this exciting growing cross-disciplinary field. It will teach the basic principles and skills required for analysing textual data in a programmable way: finding linguistic patterns, dimensionality reduction, clustering, classification and prediction. Students will also have the opportunity of learning R and command-line programming.
